This policy is effective starting on September 1, 2024.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for prohibited items, including those that promote hatred, violence, or are unlawful. Violating this policy can lead to immediate account suspension or termination. By opening a shop, you agree to this policy and our Terms of Use. If believes you, your content, or your use of the Services violate our Terms, we may suspend or terminate your account, along with any related accounts. Generally, will notify you of such actions unless you’ve repeatedly violated our Terms or legal reasons prevent us from notifying you.
The following types of items are prohibited or restricted on
- Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia, and Medical Drugs and Devices, and Items making Medical Claims
- a.Alcohol, tobacco, and drugs are prohibited. These items may be subject to legal requirements and, in some cases, are considered controlled substances under applicable law.
- b.Our policy also applies to medical drugs, medical devices, and any other item that claims to treat, prevent, mitigate, cure, or diagnose a disease or medical condition.
- Animal Products and Human Body Parts and Fluids
- a.Certain human and animal products are highly regulated and prohibited on due to the risk of harm to live, companion, or at-risk animals.
- Dangerous Items: Hazardous Materials, Recalled Items, and Weapons
- a.For safety and legal reasons, we prohibit certain dangerous items from our marketplace.
- Hate Items: Items that Promote, Support, or Glorify Hatred
- a.We want to be a welcoming community for everyone, no matter their background, nationality, or religion. While creativity is subjective and what may offend one person might not offend another, we strive to maintain a positive and respectful environment for all.
- Illegal Items, Items Promoting Illegal Activity, and Highly Regulated Items
- a.Our marketplace complies with the law and we expect you to do the same
- Internationally Regulated Products
- a.When selling internationally, you should comply with local laws and be aware that other countries may have their own restrictions. You might be prohibited from exporting or importing certain items under international laws and regulations. Some transactions may require licenses, permits, or other documentation.
- is also responsible for complying with economic sanctions and trade restrictions, including those implemented by the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") of the US Department of the Treasury.
- Nudity & Sexual Content
- prohibits items which are not aligned with our brand and values, or which carry legal or other restrictions. Depictions of the sexualization of minors are strictly prohibited. We also prohibit pornography, sexual services, illegal or exploitative items, and some types of adult toys.
- Violent Items: Items that Promote, Support, or Glorify Violence
- a.Items that glorify human suffering or tragedies, including items that praise or honor perpetrators of violence
- b.Items that glorify or celebrate real world incidents of violence or natural disasters
- c.Items that threaten or encourage credible acts of violence against individuals or groups
- d.Items that promote or support terrorism or terrorist organizations
- e.Items that encourage self-mutilation, starvation, or other self-harm
- f.Items that promote or endorse harmful misinformation
Email address:
Phone number: 202-449-4962
Physical Address: 2001 L Street Northwest Suite 500, Washington DC 20036
Country: USA